
Eehaniih Committee
The committee plans for Annual Eehaniih Celebration every FIRST Saturday of August every year.
Committee Members
Hank Stevens | President
Shirley Atene | Vice President
Gordon Folgheraiter | Member

Community Land Use Planning Committee (CLUPC)
Ronald Little | President
Vacant | Vice-President
Harrison Miles | Secretary
Levon Kinsel | Grazing Official District II
Karen Begay | Member
CLUPC meetings are held once a month at 10:00AM. The Committee is working on a comprehensive plan and strongly encourage community members to attend and voice their input on the comprehensive plan for Naatsis’aan community.
CLUPC meetings are subject to change on scheduled meetings and will be posted on community bulletin boards to allow notice of meeting schedule.
December 23, 2024
9:00 AM
Navajo Mountain Chapter administration encourages individuals to participate in the monthly Eehaniih Committee Meeting. You may also call the office to confirm day and time of meetings. Come, join, and plan the Naatsis’aan Annual important event!!!